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COP25 – Update from Paul Allen

CAT Zero Carbon Britain Coordinator Paul Allen is at the UN climate talks (COP25) in Madrid this week, discussing climate solutions. Here, he tells us what has happened since his…
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CAT Conference 2019

We had an exciting time at the CAT Conference this year, with lots of inspiring conversations, great speakers, a memorable ceilidh and highly engaged participants. The theme this year was…
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A Green New Deal for Homes

As the campaign for a Green New Deal gathers pace in both Britain and the US, Jonathan Atkinson looks at how it could help transform UK housing.
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Climate jobs

As we transition away from an economy based on fossil fuels towards zero carbon there is the potential for the creation of hundreds of thousands of new green jobs. Anne…
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Climate Strike!

This September, people across the world will join a global week of climate action in support of the school strikers. Clean Slate Editor Catriona Toms urges you to get involved.
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