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Can we reach zero carbon by 2025?

Through researching and communicating a detailed model of a Zero Carbon Britain, CAT aims to stimulate debate around rapid decarbonisation, engage the research community and get society thinking in new…
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Paul Allen to speak at ALL-ENERGY 2019

On Wednesday 15 May CAT’s Paul Allen will speak at the All-Energy exhibition in Glasgow, exploring ‘Whole energy system zero carbon transition’ as part of a session on ‘Planning Energy Transition’. All-Energy…
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New MSc courses starting this September

Our new postgraduate courses continue to take shape, the courses in Sustainability and Behaviour Change, Sustainability and Ecology are now fully validated by our university partner, Liverpool John Moores University, whilst…
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Meet the Modeller – Interview 1

Following on from the release of the ‘Raising Ambition: Zero Carbon Scenarios from Around the Globe’ report in September 2018, the Zero Carbon Britain team, Paul Allen and Isabel Bottoms, are interviewing some…
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Climate jobs

Challenging the idea that environmental protection puts jobs at risk, Anne Chapman looks at how tackling climate change could create work and improve the health of the UK economy. In June Len…
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