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A better world is possible! Discover the latest from CAT on climate change, our Zero Carbon Britain research, what's happening on site, green building, renewable energy, along with posts on a broad range of topics relating to sustainability.

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Want to refurbish your home in a sustainable way? With over 25 years’ experience, including as tutor on CAT’s Eco Refurbishment course, Nick Parsons has some great advice – here…

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An innovative new project combining state-of-the-art monitoring methods with citizen science will provide a  picture of the changing landscape of ‘Living Wales’, helping improve environmental decision making. Brook Woodman reports.

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In the second in our series on sustainable cities, Paul Chatterton looks at how designers are connecting to and learning from the natural world, helping transform the relationship between urban dwellers…

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With so many products pre-programmed to fail and difficult to fix, it’s little wonder that so many items end up on the scrapheap, but a growing global movement aims to…

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Fear is paralysing – hope is energising Tanya Hawkes invites you to come and inspire action on climate change with us at the 2019 CAT Conference in September.

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