Social Media Pack
Share climate solutions
We must rapidly reduce our emissions to address the climate emergency. Climate change isn't a problem in search of a solution. We know what we must do, so now it's time to act!
Individually, our actions have a limited impact, but collectively we can create the radical change needed.
Lend your voice to the conversation and help us all collectively build a movement to overcome the social, economic, political and psychological barriers to the changes needed.
Zero Carbon Britain: Rising to the Climate Emergency
To coincide with the release of our latest report, we have created some useful assets to share that help showcase what a zero carbon Britain could look like.
Please share our content widely, talk to your friends and family about climate change solutions and make sure your voice is heard. It’s only by pushing for change that we can rise to the climate emergency.
We also send out regular emails updating you on all the latest news from CAT, with regular updates on Zero Carbon Britain, our Graduate School, climate solutions and more.
Tag us so we can help amplify your voice:
- Facebook – @centreforalternativetechnology
- Twitter – @centre_alt_tech
- Instagram – @centreforalternativetechnology
Shareable resources and suggested messages
Videos and animations
By powering down our energy use, powering up renewable energy supply and rethinking land use we can rise to the climate emergency and create a #zerocarbonbritain with technology that exists today.
Zero Carbon Britain Infographic
Power down
Power up
Capture carbon
Healthy happy lives
Downloadable resources:
- Zero Carbon Britain - Infographic (pdf)
- Zero Carbon Britain - Infographic (print version)
- Zero Carbon Britain - Power Up Infographic
- Zero Carbon Britain - Power Down Infographic
- Zero Carbon Britain - Carbon Capture Infographic
- Zero Carbon Britain - Health, Happy Lives Infographic
- Zero Carbon Britain - Infographic (print version)
- Zero Carbon Britain: Rising to the Climate Emergency
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