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A better world is possible! Discover the latest from CAT on climate change, our Zero Carbon Britain research, what's happening on site, green building, renewable energy, along with posts on a broad range of topics relating to sustainability.

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Explore how you can lower your electricity use and reduce your heating needs. Joel Rawson from our Free Information Service gives a quick guide to lower-cost ways of cutting carbon…

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The innovative Pathways to Farming training programme, run by community organisation Mach Maethlon in partnership with CAT, aims to increase the number of people earning a living from locally produced…

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Throughout CAT’s near-50-year history, volunteers have been at the heart of our work. Dulcie Fairweather celebrates all that we have achieved together and gives us a glimpse into life as…

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From ‘NDCs’ to ‘Loss and Damage’, the language used in the UN climate talks can make it difficult to follow what’s going on. Sarah Briggs is here to help.

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