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Zero Carbon Britain

Rising to the Climate Emergency

'Zero Carbon Britain: Rising to the Climate Emergency' models a technically robust endpoint where we have achieved net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Our work clearly demonstrates that we already have the tools and technology needed to efficiently power the UK with 100% renewable energy, to feed ourselves sustainably and play our part in leaving a safe and habitable climate for our children and future generations.

Zero Carbon Britain: Rising to the Climate Emergency explores how we can achieve what is necessary. Our updated scenario describes one possible future end point in which the UK has actually risen to the challenges of the 21st century.



Building on the groundwork laid by CAT’s Zero Carbon Britain project over the last 12 years, we have incorporated the very latest developments in science and technology to update our detailed research. The report shows that we can create a Zero Carbon Britain using only proven technology.

This report provides a positive and technically feasible future scenario that aims to stimulate debate, foster all-party political commitment and catalyse action across all parts of society.


Documents for download

Students, staff and visitors holding a Climate Strike Banner

What you can do

Individually our actions have little effect. But by working together, by sharing ideas and skills, we can build a movement for change and overcome the barriers to effectively tackling the climate emergency.

Zero Carbon Britain and...

What might a Zero Carbon Britain be like, and how can we work together to make change happen? Read the first set of essays in a series of independent thought papers written in response to Zero Carbon Britain: Rising to the Climate Emergency.
Wind turbines - sunset

Past research reports

From an exploration of food and land use to exploring the social, political and economic barriers to change and how they can be overcome, our Zero Carbon Britain reports explore how we can make the changes needed to address climate change.
Volunteers chatting

Short course

Explore Zero Carbon Britain in depth on this comprehensive two day course.
Book today
Zero Carbon Britain Rising to the Climate Emergency book

Hardcopies available

Order your hardcopy version of our report and support our work today.
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