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Water and Sanitation

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CAT is a great place to learn about water and sanitation. Our unique site has its own water and sewage systems, and our experience makes us well placed to offer a wide range of free advice, whether it's looking at changes you can make at home or setting up your own off-grid systems.

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Water and sewage treatment play an important role in our efforts to live more sustainably. We may not think of the UK as a particularly dry country, but due to a densely-settled population, there is less water for each person than in Spain and Portugal, and it is not uncommon to have shortages in the south-east of the country.

A lot of water is used for baths, showers and toilets in the home and for watering plants in the garden. There are many simple ways to reduce water consumption and to use rain and grey water in the garden.

In homes away from the mains, sustainable sewage treatment solutions such as reed beds and compost toilets can ensure sewage doesn’t pollute the environment. They also help us to make use of sewage as a source of nutrients to restore and improve soil fertility.

Lightbulb terrarium

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