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Communicating Transformational Social Change

Communicating Transformational Social Change

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Join a CAT student teaching week and examine the role of communication and engagement strategies to support behaviour change towards a more sustainable society.

Through a series of lectures, discussions, and practical activities you will learn alongside our postgraduate students on our MSc courses including our Masters in Sustainability and Behaviour Change.

You will experience what it might be like to study on one of our postgraduate courses at CAT and gain invaluable knowledge and skills around modern communication strategies available for addressing current environmental challenges.

Key information

  • Duration: five days
  • Upcoming dates: Monday 7 to Friday 11 April 2025
  • Start and finish times: starts at 9am and ends at 3pm on the last day
  • Fees: £700
  • Includes: tuition, all materials, lunch. Full board accommodation is available for £325 (Mon – Fri) and B&B can be added on Sun night for £80. Only one room available.
  • What to bring: good boots and waterproof clothing is advised
  • Terms and Conditions:

Who is this course aimed at?

This week is aimed at people who wish to have a taster of studying at postgraduate level at CAT and want to gain knowledge of communication for transformational social change.

It may suit people who are looking to create social change on a community and local to national level, those who work within arts, communication, and media, or people who work in policy or influencing roles in the environmental sector.

What you will learn:

One of the major obstacles in creating successful transformational social change to deliver a more sustainable society is effective communication. This course focuses on modern approaches to successful communication strategies and provides some key skills in delivering these. It builds on previous modules of sustainability and social transformation, and theories of behaviour change interventions but can be taken as a standalone course.

Topics covered include:

  • Communicating environmental and sustainability science
  • Communications for Environmental Campaigns and Movements
  • Creative and interdisciplinary approaches to communicating environmental issues and transformational needs e.g. arts, narratives, celebrity, technology and digital responses
  • Engaging with diversity in communication strategies
  • The role of Leadership in communication for transformational change

How will I learn:

Through pre-reading and some pre-recorded introductory lectures, live in person lectures, discussions, group activities and practical activities at CAT.

This short course is part of the teaching week for the MSc module International Zero CO2 Energy. Please be aware there may be some activities and content during the week only available to students, where an activity isn’t appropriate for the short course attendee, we will endeavour to arrange a replacement activity.

On the 12 April 2024 we will also be holding a Graduate School Open Day which attendees of the short course will be welcome to attend if they wish to find out more about our courses and studying with us.

Meet your tutor:

Module Leader:

Dr Cathy Cole

Cathy Cole is a senior lecturer/tutor on the MSc Sustainability & Behaviour Change course. With a background in oceanography, climate change, and science communication, she lectures primarily on communicating transformational social change, and on our changing ocean in the context of climate change.

Other tutors and lecturers 

Alongside the module leader and expert Graduate School staff, teaching sessions are led by a range of guest speakers and lecturers currently working in the sector and academia who join students on-site or through live streams. 

Add accommodation to your booking

Would you to stay at CAT during your short course? Simply add the short course to your cart and then choose from the option provided.

Accommodation option:

  • Full board and accommodation while your course is on – £325 single

Any questions please email

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