Join us for our new series of free online webinars focused on climate justice. On 23 June, environmentalist, poet, painter and CAT Graduate School guest lecturer Judy Ling Wong kicks…
Explore how to set up a community or local energy project. To reach a Zero Carbon Britain we need to power up renewables and radically transform how we use energy.…
Join tutors from the MArch course and CAT graduates for an introduction to CAT, an overview of our Masters in Sustainable Architecture Part 2 course and a student experience talk…
Join us for the first in our new series of free online webinars. For the first in the series, CAT lecturer Louise Halestrap will take you on a virtual tour of…
Join staff from the Graduate School of the Environment’s for an introduction to CAT, an overview of our postgraduate courses and live Q & A session on Tuesday 4 March…
Online Zero Carbon Britain course exploring climate solutions – the science says we must, the technology says we can, time to say we will! Working with a range of local…