Join tutors from the MArch course and CAT graduates for an introduction to CAT, an overview of our Masters in Sustainable Architecture Part 2 course and a student experience talk…
Join staff from the Graduate School of the Environment’s for an introduction to CAT, an overview of our postgraduate courses and live Q&A session on Wednesday 23 October, 2024 at…
This free and interactive forum will host a discussion on how organising community climate action can address the greenhouse gas emissions from small/micro businesses.
The way we manage our land is crucial to reaching net zero carbon in Wales. But how do we balance food production, wildlife, tourism, timber, carbon sequestration and the preservation…
Online course exploring reedbeds as an environmentally friendly wastewater treatment solution. If you’re living or working in a remote location or need low impact, eco-friendly options for wastewater management, reedbeds…
Do you have a question you’d like to ask about our Zero Carbon Britain research, the work of the Hub and Innovation Lab or a challenge you’re facing in acting…