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Build a natural house at Build It Live

Join us in Manchester at Build It Live North West on 23-24 February as we demonstrate building a natural house in the ‘Centre for Alternative Technology Demo Zone’. Building demonstrations will be…
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Meet the Modeller – Interview 1

Following on from the release of the ‘Raising Ambition: Zero Carbon Scenarios from Around the Globe’ report in September 2018, the Zero Carbon Britain team, Paul Allen and Isabel Bottoms, are interviewing some…
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A prescription for the planet

As we approach the next round of UN climate talks*, Paul Allen talks to Professor Kevin Anderson about what the international community must do to prevent climate breakdown. “To genuinely…
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Climate jobs

Challenging the idea that environmental protection puts jobs at risk, Anne Chapman looks at how tackling climate change could create work and improve the health of the UK economy. In June Len…
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Bee Week – May Half Term at CAT

During May half term, we will be exploring the wonderful world of the bee! Bees are incredibly important in maintaining all the wonderful habitats and environments that we know and…
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Making it Happen in Wedmore

A Somerset village is aiming to become Zero Carbon by 2045. Sonya Bedford, vice-chair of Green Wedmore, outlines the thinking behind the project.
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