CAT has been invited to set the scene for the first ever conference of Zero West.
Zero West is a collaborative project bringing together renewables developers, community groups, the four West of England local authorities, education, financers, lawyers, IT specialists, PR companies, and a wide range of other interested parties. It has been established because, to deliver the scale of transition demanded by the science, the West of England region needs to go zero carbon as quickly as possible. This means working faster, in a more joined-up way, and developing projects on a much larger scale than at present. The Zero West team are still formalising this exciting new venture, so here’s your chance to get involved at the outset!
The Extraordinary Story of Human Beings, Energy and Happiness
7pm, 25th January, ‘The Station’, Silver Street, Bristol BS1 2AG

This is an inspirational multimedia presentation exploring the transition to zero carbon, with a specially composed soundtrack performed live by pianist Lola Perrin. From the big bang to big oil, human history is deeply marked by revolutions in energy production and use. Fossil fuels, stores of ancient sunlight from 400 million years ago, transformed our civilisation; we now need to transform it again. We must open a new chapter in the story about our relationship with energy and happiness – understanding the past can give us the confidence to envision a climate positive future.
Zero West – The Journey Begins – Conference
9.30am, 26th January, ‘The Station’, Silver Street, Bristol BS1 2AG

Our energy systems are changing. Not long ago England got its power from 50 large power stations. Now there are over 900,000 renewable energy installations across the country. This event will explore some of the region’s great projects, linking up real-life actions with cutting-edge research on energy, food, transport, housing and wellbeing – to bring to life a vision on how the West of England region could accelerate the zero carbon transition.