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Strategy and Governance

Environmental innovation and education for a safer, healthier, fairer world.

CAT’s Vision and Mission

CAT’s vision is a sustainable future for all humanity as part of a thriving natural world.

CAT’s mission is to inspire, inform and enable humanity to respond to the climate and biodiversity emergency.

Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan 2020-2025 outlines CAT’s unique role, ways of working and key priorities as we work together to turn this vision and mission into reality.

How we’re run

The Centre for Alternative Technology Charity Ltd is a registered educational charity dedicated to researching and communicating positive solutions for environmental change.

CAT’s work happens thanks to a team of experienced staff and volunteers working with a wider community of students, graduates, visitors, members and supporters – all deeply committed to tackling the climate and biodiversity emergency.

At the heart of the organisation is our Board of Trustees, who bring a broad range of experience to help oversee our overall direction.

The Board works closely with CAT’s Senior Management Team to lead our dedicated staff and volunteers in delivering our mission.

CAT’s Memorandum and Articles of Association gives more detail on our charitable objects and how the organisation is governed.

Related Questions

How do you choose your trustees?

Trustees are appointed by the Board via an open recruitment process.

When vacancies arise, these are advertised on the CAT website.

The Board aims to have a strong range of skills and knowledge to support CAT’s work, therefore recruitment is aimed at gaining additional expertise in key areas.

CAT’s Board seeks to ensure that the charity follows the principles of equality and diversity and encourages inclusive and accessible participation.

CAT values diversity, in the widest sense, considering this essential for its Board to stay informed and responsive and to navigate the fast-paced and complex changes facing the voluntary sector.

CAT recognises that trustees from different backgrounds, with a variety of experience and perspective, are more likely to encourage debate and make better decisions.

If I become a member, can I vote in the AGM?

When you join CAT as a member, you are becoming a supporter member. This is distinct from being a member of the Charity as outlined in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Supporter members have no legal liabilities and don’t vote in our AGM.

Supporter members are, however, invited to join the annual CAT Conference to explore ways of working together to research and promote solutions to the climate and biodiversity emergency.

CAT supporters are the lifeblood of the organisation – we simply could not continue with our vital work without their commitment and generosity.

How we’re funded

CAT relies on the generosity of individual supporters and on grants and donations from trusts and foundations for around half of our annual core income.

The remainder of our core income is generated from a range of activities, including courses, group visits, venue hire and accommodation, and purchases from our Eco Store.

Unlike many charities, we receive no government funding for our core activities.

For more information on how we are funded and how we spend this income, you can download our statutory accounts:

Join the Change

CAT’s work to inspire, inform and enable humanity to respond to the climate and biodiversity emergency relies on the support of people like you.