John Anderson
Zero Carbon Britain Trainer/Facilitator
John has a background in decision-support consultancy, training, research, facilitation and project management in the private sector, and holds degrees in international relations, law and international security. He has spent many years building and training research teams that support high-level problem solving in emergency situations.
John has a background in decision-support consultancy, training, research, facilitation and project management in the private sector, and holds degrees in international relations, law and international security. He has spent many years building and training research teams that support high-level problem solving in emergency situations.
He is currently researching climate change adaptation as a graduate student at CAT, focusing on the twin role of citizens assemblies and bio-regional solutions as crucial elements in problem solving local solutions to the multiple ‘wicked’ problems we face. He believes communities and civil society will play a pivotal role in building institutions up to the challenge, and worthy of ourselves. This will require new skills, insight, connections and confidence – training is therefore an important part of climate-change problem solving.
John has also spent much time exploring practical local solutions to climate change including low-carbon building, co-operative land management and permaculture. He is an experienced end-of-life care-worker, and spent four years with the territorial army.
In his spare time, John can be found appreciating the hills, woods and waters around Scotland, or playing music with friends.