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Picture of Dr Emily Westwell

Dr Emily Westwell

Senior Lecturer

Emily joined the Graduate School to teach in 2023 and covers a range of MSc modules as a senior lecturer. She recently completed a PhD from Keele University which explored environmental activism, agroecology, and food sovereignty.

Emily is a Senior Lecturer in Sustainability at CAT having recently completed her PhD at Keele University in environmental activism, agroecology, and food sovereignty. Emily has an activist-researcher background and has worked closely with grassroots alternative food organisations in Manchester and London. She also has an active interest in environmentalism and processes of social change, taking particular interest in sustainable community alternatives and environmental social movements. Emily teaches on a range of modules at CAT from Sustainable Food Production and Consumption, Sustainability and Adaptation, Politics of the Environment, Applied Research Design and Cities and Communities.


PhD, International Relations, Keele University

MSc Environmental Politics and Development, London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

BA Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway University of London

Teaching Activities:



Thesis supervisor

Research Interests:

Sustainable agriculture, food sovereignty and food justice, critical pedagogy, processes of social change, prefigurative politics, action research methodologies and environmental social movements.


Westwell. E & Bunting. B (2020) ‘The regenerative culture of Extinction Rebellion: self-care, people care, planet care’, Environmental Politics, 29:3, 546-551, DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2020.1747136.

Westwell. E (2020) ‘Prefigurative politics: building tomorrow today’, Environmental Politics, 29:3, 560-562, DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2020.1741768