Dr Rebecca Kent
Senior Lecturer and SNFR Programme Leader
Rebecca Kent is a senior lecturer on the MSc Sustainable Food and Natural Resources course and teaches on the Food Consumption and Production, Restoration Ecology and the Science of Sustainable Food Production modules.
Rebecca holds a PhD in Geography from Royal Holloway University of London. She has taught at Canterbury Christ Church University, SOAS University of London, and Birkbeck University of London. Rebecca has research experience in agriculture, natural resource management and international development and has worked in the Caribbean, West Africa and South Asia. She has a longstanding interest in understanding how individuals and households use natural resources to sustain their livelihoods and how this is impacted by environmental degradation.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
PhD Geography, Royal Holloway University of London
MSc Sustainable Agriculture, Wye College University of London
BSc Botany, University of Sheffield
Teaching activities
Thesis supervisor
Research Interests
Environmental change
Food security
Sustainable agriculture
Kent, R. and Hannay, R. (2020) Explaining ‘carbon’ in community sequestration projects: a key element in the creation of local carbon knowledges. Environmental Communication, 14 (3): 364-377.
Kent, R. (2018) ‘Helping’ or ‘appropriating’? Gender relations in shea production in northern Ghana. Society and Natural Resources, 31 (3):367–381.
Poole, N., Audia, C., Kaboret, B. and Kent, R. (2016) Tree products, food security and livelihoods: a household study of Burkina Faso. Environmental Conservation, 43 (4): 359-367.
Kent, R., and Dorward, A. (2015) Livelihood responses to Lantana camara invasion and biodiversity change in southern India: application of an asset function framework. Regional Environmental Change, 15(2): 353-363.
Kent, R. (2014) Patterns of food consumption in conflict affected households in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. In P. S. Collinson and MacBeth H. eds. Food in Zones of Conflict: cross-disciplinary perspectives. Berghahn Books. pp 65-76
Kent, R., Bakaweri, C. and Poole N. (2014) Facilitating entry into shea processing: a study of two interventions in northern Ghana. Food Chains, 4(3):209-224.
Kent, R. and MacRae, M. (2010) Agricultural livelihoods and nutrition – exploring the links with women in Zambia. Gender and Development, 18 (3):387-409.
Johnson, D. E. and Kent, R. (2002) The impact of cropping on weed species composition in rice after fallow across a hydrological gradient. Weed Research, 42 (2):89-99.
Kent, R. (2002) History and necessity: the evolution of soil conservation technology in a Jamaican farming system. The Geographical Journal, 168 (1):48-56.
Kent, R. and Johnson, D.E. and Becker, M. (2001) The influence of cropping system on weed communities of rice in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 87 (3):299-307.
Kent, R and Johnson, DE (2001) Influence of flood depth and duration on growth of lowland rice weeds, Cote d’Ivoire. Crop Protection, 20 (8):691-694.