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Ceri Fielding

2022 CAT Graduate

Ceri Fielding graduated with an MSc in Sustainability and Adaptation Planning and now works as a consultant on sustainable building and retrofit policies.

Ceri Fielding graduated with an MSc in Sustainability and Adaptation Planning with his dissertation focusing on sustainable insulation and retrofit of traditional buildings, and the potential for the manufacture of wood fibre insulation in Wales. His research has led him to be in high demand providing consultancy on sustainable building and retrofit policies to organizations and government agencies in Wales.

“Studying at CAT has truly helped turn my life around, helped me evolve, and meet my true potential. The taught modules at CAT helped me learn and develop study and research skills and I think the most significant gains were the level of background knowledge across the modules. CAT gave me a new toolbox, equipping me for a new mission and career as an expert in a vital area of climate adaptation policy.”