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Tumbledown farm
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A former farm being developed into an inclusive greenspace to support community led growing, learning and well-being.

A 27-acre former farm owned by Weymouth Town Council, which is being developed into a community asset in partnership with Weymouth Area Development Trust.

Following public consultations at the end of 2019, several key themes emerged that expressed how local people felt the land and its natural capital might be repurposed to meet the needs of the community, and its vulnerable members:

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation– harvesting natural resources, reducing the carbon footprint and enabling a wider understanding of the need to protect the planet;
  • Food security– creating a range of growing areas and teaching the skills from ‘plot to plate’ enabling skills for healthy living and for preparing nutritious meals.
  • Health & Well-being– providing opportunities for people to experience a safe natural environment rich in wildlife for emotional and physical well-being. Engaging in meaningful activities, working with others whilst learning new skills and gaining confidence through a connection and sense of place.
  • Social Enterprise– to explore income streams including jam, pickle and chutney making; a café and growing plants in the WTC’s nursery on site.
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Installing an offshore wind turbine

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