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Sustainable Building and Maths

Sustainable Building and Maths

Home » Sustainable Building and Maths


Join us for a day of building at CAT – using sustainable building materials. 

Engage in fun practical workshops where you will explore materials like earth and straw, try your hand at some practical building and use some maths skills to help as you build.

You will work alongside our experienced staff as you learn practical skills and do some fun basic maths.  Alongside learning practical skills you will be able to explore our beautiful site and have a delicious free vegetarian lunch.

Key information

  • Thursday 16th October
  • 11am to 2pm
  • Fully funded through the Multiply programme which is aimed at helping adults improve their confidence with numbers in everyday life
  • To attend you must be:
    • A Powys residents
    • At least 19 years old
    • Without a Maths GCSE or Level 2 numeracy qualification
  • Includes: tuition, buffet lunch, contribution to travel
  • What to bring: stout footwear, layers and waterproof clothing is recommended – more information will be sent out before the start of the course
  • There are no assessments or other tests, it’s about exploring maths and how you can use it day to day

For further information or to book a place on the date or dates of your choice please contact

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, supported by Powys County Council.

Funded by UK Government Logo Powys Council Logo Growing Mid Wales