Help us support the bees and other incredible pollinators that call CAT home by getting involved in an official bug hunt! Throughout the summer, we’ll be conducting pollinator surveys to…
This summer, the garden’s team are making a giant bug hotel and we need your help! Using twigs, bamboo and other organic material, build mini bug-houses to add to the…
This summer, we’re going to be building a complete tiny garden and we need your help! You’ll get to garden alongside our expert team, connect with how food is grown…
An opportunity to discuss CAT’s future plans – interactive online event. CAT members and supporters are invited to share thoughts on plans to create a new world-class visitor experience and…
Calling all witches and wizards in the Dyfi Valley – besom broom making returns to CAT this October half term. Visitors will be preparing their own foraged birch brush and…
Discover the secret, sleepy world of winter hibernation and learn how you can support wildlife at home through the coldest months of the year. CAT’s expert woodland team will be…
Come to CAT on Saturday 30th October and have a go at crushing, pressing and drinking fresh apple juice. CAT’s volunteers have harvested loads of apples from the orchard but…
Get to grips with the basics of beekeeping and explore the biology of honeybees and their environmental benefits. This 2 day course will give you a thorough grounding in understanding…