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Student Accommodation

Student Accommodation

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Situated within the UNESCO Dyfi Biosphere and nestled in the foothills of the South Eryri (Snowdonia) National Park, our on-site accommodation offers student the opportunity to stay in a picturesque setting during their studies.

During residential study weeks at CAT (typically five days for MSc modules and six days for MArch modules) accommodation is available for students on-site.

The vegetarian CAT café and O’Donelly’s bar also offers social space for students to meet and use outside of studying and to also continue with discussions long after lectures finish.

Free WIFI across most of the site allows students to use a variety of open spaces to study outside of their accommodation

Twin bedroom in the WISE building

Shared twin en-suite

Situated in CAT's award-winning WISE building.
Getting food at the CAT Cafe

Vegetarian café

The CAT café offers affordable vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for students.

Campsite nearby

During warmer months some students also choose to camp at a nearby campsite.


A month before each module begins, Student Support will provide information, to those who have registered to study on-site, on how to book accommodation for any upcoming on-site teaching. The deadline for booking accommodation/food will be midday Monday the week before the on-site teaching begins. You will be able to see via a booking form what on-site accommodation is available for the on-site teaching you are attending.

Students are advised to book their accommodation online as soon as possible after Student Support are in touch with booking information as places fill up quickly. Please make sure you follow the instructions on the booking page as any errors may not be able to be resolved if the site is fully booked.

Accommodation costs can be found on our Fees & Funding page and in our Fees Terms and Conditions documents.