More than 100 councils across England and Wales have now completed our Zero Carbon Britain Carbon Literacy training.
This training, which incorporates our own Zero Carbon Britain content and aspects of a Carbon Literacy Project toolkit, is helping councils at all levels – county, town, city and parish – in urban and rural areas, to imagine what a more sustainable future for their area could look like.
Feedback has been fantastic, with participants recommending that more colleagues join our courses or approaching us to work together in other ways, including through further bespoke training. Climate officers from some councils have booked blocks of training sessions for people in roles across the council, and we’ve been invited to present at staff meetings.
We were commissioned by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, for example, to develop and deliver bespoke training for 35 staff, representing a range of roles and responsibilities, working closely with their Climate Lead. This training incorporated the borough’s Climate Emergency Plan and Council Green Plan. Following the training, staff said they had a better understanding of what is needed to achieve net zero and why it is important, the role of individuals and organisations, and how their organisation can take action.
We’ve had so much demand for this training that we have appointed an additional trainer/facilitator to support our Carbon Literacy Project work.
If you’re interested in a bespoke Zero Carbon Britain Carbon Literacy training for your council, please contact, or check out our upcoming Zero Carbon Britain courses.